It Finally Happened...
I was able to take so many great photos this morning that I couldn’t decide which ONE to use for the day. Last night was the stupid night to change the clocks and lose an hour sleep (which I, by the way, will dearly miss until the fall) and I won’t set my alarm if I don’t have to, so I woke up an hour later than I usually do (but it wasn’t really an hour later...am I the only person that for a month will go, yeah the clock says it’s THIS time, but I know it’s really THIS time). So, I haven’t had my first cup of coffee yet and my husband points out that it’s snowing. I swear, I will not plant primroses again. If I had room here I’d write it 100 times. I’m better at predicting the late winter/early spring weather than that poor groundhog they wake up every February second. I can tell by the light and the clouds that it’s not going to be snowing very long, so, like any insane photographer, I jump into yesterday’s clothes, grab a travel mug, my camera and a memory card. No. I don’t even brush my teeth or my hair (and if you don’t know, I have long hair that really should be brushed before I leave the house and take the chance thatI may run into someone). I hit the road and figure I have maybe 10 minutes to shoot so I head to a corporate park that is just a few miles from my home. In 10 minutes I get this gorgeous shot of snow falling on one of the ponds; I get images of dozens of ducks hiding out under still-bare trees eating grass (immediately “Duck and Cover” stories start going through my head - if you’re old enough to remember ducking under your desk and covering your neck to protect you from the nuclear bomb that has just been dropped); I captured an image that had 151 robins on the snow-covered ground, all listening for little shivering worms that they could have for their breakfast. And I know that there were 151, because I took my little PS magnifying glass, and hit every one of them with a little red brush because in my head I figured there were probably 100. So, which photo do I use? Well, of course,the one with no story. Just a quiet, silent moment that will maybe someday push out the harried morning that preceded it. I wonder what I would have shot today if I hadn’t planted those primroses last week? Hmmm....
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