Friday, April 3, 2009

Project 365 Day 93

Two Pieces of Bread

This was one incredible sandwich. It had the yummiest bread, creme brie, walnuts, red bell pepper, greens and sweet mustard. Can anyone answer why a sandwich always tastes better if someone else makes it? Like salads. They always taste better when they are made by someone else. And cookies. Brownies. Okay...back to sandwiches. I guess not all sandwiches are better when they’re made by someone else. Let’s face it. Some sandwiches should never be made, let alone get eaten. When I was in second grade at Lakenheath Elementary School (an American school on base when my dad was stationed at Lakenheath AFB in England) my mom would make my lunches and I would have a cold lunch at school. Sometimes I would also have a big thermos of tomato soup to go with my sandwich. I still love tomato soup. Campbells...made with water, not milk. Most of the time my sandwich was cheese, with something called sandwich spread. It was kind of like mayo with 1000 Island dressing in it. I always liked it when I unwrapped that waxed paper and found a cheese sandwich waiting there for me. And then there were the other times. The times when I would unwrap...wait for it...a cold Spam sandwich. You heard me. Cold. Spam. Complete with that gelatin stuff that covers it when you open the can with that little key. A friend of mine and I made up a list a few years ago...100 Things You Can Do With Spam. Eating it was not on the list. And it was a pretty inclusive list. Everything from birth control to plugging a radiator leak. But, eating it...cold...complete with that stuff that must have failed the What I Want to Be When I Grow Up Is Vaseline test? No. I would try to scrape it off with a spoon, but in my head it was still there. It didn’t do any lasting damage apparently. I went on to later eat it fried (with Rice-A-Roni and corn it was a complete meal). I understand that when you are a kid, some things you just don’t like. It’s either the flavor, or the texture, or the fact that the other kids think it’s gross, so you do, too. And then as an adult you often grow to like it, or admit that you did all along. Not happening. So, look for a book someday named 100 Things You Can Do With Spam. It will be by marjimae and cnewby. Wow. Cool to think that maybe because my mom made me cold Spam sandwiches as a child it actually helped fund my retirement. Thanks, Mom. Let me buy you a sandwich. I know this place...

1 comment:

Molly W. said...

This looks delish!