A House by any Other Name...would get the wrong mail. The first house I lived in where I actually remembered the address was an easy address...Windmere Bungalow. That’s it. No numbers, just a million memories and that sweet name. It was an old place, owned by two really old ladies (I think they may have been sisters). And they were really old, not the “I was a little kid and so anyone with white hair was REALLY old” old. They really were, because I’ve asked my parents, who were in their 20’s so they would know what old was. Right? And the second place I remember the address was Bellevue, London Road. Pretty simple. No so much the house, which was really incredible and I only have one photograph of (what was up with that, Dad?), but the address was simple. Easy to remember if you got lost probably. Only 3 words, which for a little kid is easy enough. I wonder what I would name my house. We’ve been in it for 21 years, which makes it a little harder. If I had named it right away, it would have been The Big House (because it seemed so much bigger than our first one). But that only would have worked for a while, because the bigger the kids got, the smaller the house became. Or Roof Runners House, because that’s what my 5 year old twins would do, get on the roof and run back and forth until the neighbor would call me and tell me and I would stick my head out the door and scream, “GET OFF THE ROOF RIGHT NOW!” and then slam the door because I am so afraid of heights it would give me a heart attack to see them up there. It took them years before they found out how I always knew. Or it could be Caprice, because we had one of those big Chevy full-sized station wagons for 13 years. I remember telling one of my sons when I was teaching him to drive to put both hands on the wheel and sit up straight. “You’re in a station wagon and nothing you can do is going to make you look cool.” Or Fire House, because we had a big one. Or 12 Hairs Cottage from when cancer lived here. Sigh...maybe a number is easier. A name just takes too long to explain. 2582. Borrrrrring. Okay...maybe No Primroses Live Here House...Hot Flash Manor...

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