I embrace it...pretty much. I still can’t figure out why I need to have an atm/credit card with me to use a parking meter. Seems silly when there is always change at the bottom of my purse screaming to be used. I was driving to Portland once (to use my atm/credit card for a parking meter) listening to my XM Radio (I love radio without commercials) and happened to be listening to their 70’s channel. I “came of age” so to speak in the 70’s. Well, and late 60’s. But with the 60’s it was like I was too young to really be a part of them, so I remember more of them than alot of people. But the 70’s, musically speaking almost every song can pitch a memory to me that I can either hit out of the park, or let go for another time. And it cracks me up that I can’t remember what I ate yesterday, but I can name most songs after 3 notes (sometimes less) and belt out most, if not all, of the lyrics. So....on comes this song and I LOVED it...knew ALL the words and when I got home I downloaded it on iTunes (ahhh...technology). And as I’m listening it is sounding more and more familiar...not like the lost cheesy song it was portrayed to be. HA! I dug out my old...old...old case to hold...you guessed it...45’s. The little vinyl records with the fat hole in the middle. And there it was. “Ma Belle Amie” by The Tee Set. Now, I no longer have a turntable to play it on, but I had lovingly numbered it and logged it in on the index sheet that came with the case. I am quite sure, that if I could actually listen to it the way I initially did, it just wouldn’t be the same. There is no doubt in my mind that at least once I forgot to reset the arm from 33-1/3 to 45 rpm, which meant the needle hit rubber and got duller and the subtle nuances of the song were lost. Yes...I believe that even Bubble Gum music had subtle nuances. Like when Peter Tetteroo sounded JUST LIKE PAUL MCCARTNEY in his background vocals (swoon...) and the way some of the words picked up a delicate accent, which turned out to be Dutch. I know that because I Googled it. And then I got to watch their video because I found it on You Tube. So...I get to listen to it better than I ever heard it before and see them in bell bottoms with that 70’s long hair. I feel young again. Sing along with me... “Ma belle amie, you were a child of the sun and the sky and the deep blue sea...”
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