Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Project 365 Day 148

Already Toddled

I can remember remembering things that happened when I was a toddler. I can no longer find the actual memory, just the memory of the memory. I do remember three nightmares I had when I was four (one in black and white and two in color). I don’t remember selling my new brother to a guy at a bowling alley in England for a quarter when I was four, but my parents remember it. And remind me of it. I find that most of my memories, actual memories, go back to about when I was fourish. Iwish they went back just a little farther. I wish I could remember speaking a language that no one could understand. Did I even understand at the time what I was saying? Our twins spoke their own language before they spoke English. They would converse with each other in long conversations, either making plans for covert operations, or sharing a new learned talent...like how to open a door. The only word we ever figured out was dobber. And we still use the word whenever we need...a hammer. I remember sitting with my husband and our life insurance agent when the twins were that age, and one at a time they kept bringing something out and handing it to their daddy and then running off. The insurance agent finally asked what they were bringing out and he was told it was their bedroom window screen, they were dismantling it one piece at a time. He informed us that I was grossly underinsured. I wish I could remember the excitement of...running. Does a toddler have the memory of struggling with crawling? And then the multiple adrenline rushes as they were trying to learn to walk? I think they must. And that is why a child who is almost, but not quite, two can whisper with not only excitement but anticipation the word “run”. Is it a command? Is it a request? Or is it just sheer delight knowing that this is something Big that they can now do. It would be a good memory to have.

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