Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Did you get engaged over the holidays? Congratulations! How exciting! No post-holiday lull for you -- so much to do! After you say yes, what is usually your first decision? Pick the date. Yeah. The date. Well, one of the things you will need is something to remind your friends and family to save the date. After all, it's probably not coming up real quick, and a reminder is the thing to do if you want them to plan on attending. Enter your Save the Date card.

There are so many ways we can customize your Save the Date card. Size and shape. One side or two. Your friends and family may have a hard time deciding which side of the card to have showing when they put it on their fridge or bulletin board!

For the month of January (regardless of your wedding date), if you book your wedding with us we will include an engagement session and a 20% discount on your Save the Date cards.

Have a great time with your planning. Time is going to fly. Did I already say congratulations?

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