Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Project 365 Day 27

Happy Birthday to The Men
I remember fearing the day my twins would be born. Not because of the actual birth; this was not my first birth. It was the weather that I worried about. A niece of ours had been born during an ice storm a few years earlier. My sister-in-law and her husband were driven to the hospital by her dad. The roads were incredibly treacherous, it took them hours to make the trip that would usually take only 30 minutes or so. When they got there they were told, no, not yet. Go on back home. No. That was what my father-in-law told them. No. We will not go home. We will stay right here. My niece would have been born either on the way home, or the way back to the hospital. They wouldn’t have made to the hospital in time. Not safely. So I worried when I was told my babies would be born in February. We didn’t make it to February. The weather was above freezing, overcast and it didn’t even rain until the afternoon. But that didn’t matter. We had an uneventful trip to the hospital where our beautiful, healthy boys were born within 3 hours of our arrival. So, when I awoke this morning to snow, I smiled.
Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday.

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