Saturday, February 28, 2009
Unusual Beach Weather
Friday, February 27, 2009
Square Deal Wine

Thursday, February 26, 2009
Project 365 Day 57
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Project 365 Day 54
I wanted to have nice bright colors for my photos this week, but I’ve lived in Oregon long enough to know that I’m not always going to have a dry enough day to get out and find the color I want, so I planned ahead. Peeps. You know. The totally nothing natural food that comes out around Easter and is known for their equally unnatural color. Neon yellow and pink. And this nice purple. Well, I bought double boxes of all colors and figured I would use them when the day was rainy and I needed an infusion of color. I didn’t have to wait long. Had my antique silver plate ready to go, but couldn’t make the little birdies fit right. Square hole in a round peg, because they come attached in a row when you pull them out of their little box. So I pulled a couple off the ends of some of the rows of Peeps so I could crowd them around into a circular shape. Didn’t work. They just wouldn’t lay right, and now they didn’t look right either because you could see the marshmallowey goodness where I had separated them. So, I ate the little orphans that I had created and thought about it a little longer. Cram them together and just shoot from above. Sounded good, but the light was horrible that way, so I propped up the plate and tried to hold the little Peeps in place, because with all that sugary coating on them, they slide pretty good. Hard to do when one hand is holding a camera and I can’t get my fingers out of the way. So, here’s my shot. I sent it to a girlfriend and asked what she thought. She said I was expecting yellow and pink. What happened? Well, I just don’t know. Those little Peeps just kept popping into my mouth until all I had left was this little row of pastel purple ones. I don’t know what happened. All I know is that now I have one incredible belly ache. I’m thinking I should go to bed, when I realize I’ve got a pretty good sugar buzz going. Not wanting to waste the buzz on such a cold rainy day, I decide to just lay on the couch and enjoy it. Remembering of course to put one foot on the floor to stop the world from spinning.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Project 365 Day 49
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Project 365 Day 41
And I say that more as a reminder to myself than anything else. You know when you fall asleep on the couch when you’re watching soap operas or the Sci-Fi channel (pretty much the same thing) and you wake up startled and you don’t know what day or time it is and you’re afraid you may have been abducted by aliens and now you are suffering from the lost time syndrome that they talk about? Well, that’s kind of how I feel right now. You see it’s my 31st anniversary, and we’ve been going to Mexico for years now around the time of our anniversary. Works out great - it’s cold and rainy here and hot and sunny there. The only problem being that I’ve developed an allergy to UV rays. You know...The Sun. Now some people would say it’s because I don’t see enough sun here in Oregon. And other people would say it’s payback for all the extra rays I stole by using baby oil for tanning in the 70’s, which I probably didn’t really need to do. I have my mother’s olive complexion. We’re not real sure where that came from. Her heritage is mostly English and Dutch. It would appear there was a Neopolitan fisherman swimming in the dna pool somewhere. (I first heard that - Neopolitan fisherman - on an episode of Perry Mason and thought they were talking about a fisherman that sold ice cream out of his boat. Did I mention I was young at the time?) Anyway, this year we are just going to crank the heat up in the house to 85, put on shorts and salsa music, sip margaritas and watch the rain. Or snow.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Cannon Beach
Went with my friend Bev to see if I couldn't grab an interesting photo for my Project 365. It was so much fun! And we had a great lunch at Pizza a fetta, grabbed a decadent mocha at Bella Espresso , enough fresh salt water taffy at Bruce's Candy Kitchen to get home on - and then, to top it off - I was treated to an incredible photo op - a seagull that provided me with an Abbey Road image for my photo of the day.

Friday, February 6, 2009
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Project 365 Day 35

Little Darlin’...
I first heard The Beatles when I moved to England in late 1963. The first record I ever had that was not made for children (you know...I’m a Little Teapot and the like) was She Loves You. Yeah...I was hooked early. Paul McCartney was my first crush, if you don’t count the boy who dressed up as Zorro for Halloween when I was in pre-school (I don’t remember his name - how serious could it have been), or Curtis in 2nd grade (and I DO remember his last name, but will keep it to myself, because it’s a really small world). When we left England a couple of years later, my best friend’s name was, you guessed it, Michelle. Drove me nuts to hear Paul sing her name. Sigh. That was a really long time ago. Cut to 2009 -- an unusually dry, warm and windless day on the northern Oregon coast. The absolute trifecta of impossibilities this time of year. A girlfriend and I had made a quick trip there in my pursuit of my photo of the day #35. Lots of photos, a nice lunch, we’re ready to leave and I’m still not sure if I have the shot - and lo and behold - there is a seagull channeling The Beatles - crossing back and forth on the crosswalk long enough for me to go to Abbey Road. Thank you, George Harrison, wherever you are. Because it’s been a long, cold, lonely winter. Here comes the sun...
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Monday, February 2, 2009
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Superbowl 2009

And some in 3D! Everything old is new again.