Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Project 365 Day 54

Nothing says Spring like Peeps...

The Color Purple

I wanted to have nice bright colors for my photos this week, but I’ve lived in Oregon long enough to know that I’m not always going to have a dry enough day to get out and find the color I want, so I planned ahead. Peeps. You know. The totally nothing natural food that comes out around Easter and is known for their equally unnatural color. Neon yellow and pink. And this nice purple. Well, I bought double boxes of all colors and figured I would use them when the day was rainy and I needed an infusion of color. I didn’t have to wait long. Had my antique silver plate ready to go, but couldn’t make the little birdies fit right. Square hole in a round peg, because they come attached in a row when you pull them out of their little box. So I pulled a couple off the ends of some of the rows of Peeps so I could crowd them around into a circular shape. Didn’t work. They just wouldn’t lay right, and now they didn’t look right either because you could see the marshmallowey goodness where I had separated them. So, I ate the little orphans that I had created and thought about it a little longer. Cram them together and just shoot from above. Sounded good, but the light was horrible that way, so I propped up the plate and tried to hold the little Peeps in place, because with all that sugary coating on them, they slide pretty good. Hard to do when one hand is holding a camera and I can’t get my fingers out of the way. So, here’s my shot. I sent it to a girlfriend and asked what she thought. She said I was expecting yellow and pink. What happened? Well, I just don’t know. Those little Peeps just kept popping into my mouth until all I had left was this little row of pastel purple ones. I don’t know what happened. All I know is that now I have one incredible belly ache. I’m thinking I should go to bed, when I realize I’ve got a pretty good sugar buzz going. Not wanting to waste the buzz on such a cold rainy day, I decide to just lay on the couch and enjoy it. Remembering of course to put one foot on the floor to stop the world from spinning.

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