Saturday, February 7, 2009

Cannon Beach

This was one of those days that you dream about in Oregon. When you go to the beach here, you are almost guaranteed cool if not cold temperatures and a wind. That's in the summer. In the winter people go to the beach to watch the storms. To go there in February and be given a warm day with no wind is truly a gift.

Went with my friend Bev to see if I couldn't grab an interesting photo for my Project 365. It was so much fun! And we had a great lunch at Pizza a fetta, grabbed a decadent mocha at Bella Espresso , enough fresh salt water taffy at Bruce's Candy Kitchen to get home on - and then, to top it off - I was treated to an incredible photo op - a seagull that provided me with an Abbey Road image for my photo of the day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, do ya'll take these photos yourself? Is this a company or just ea hobby? Because your photos are awesome :). XOX